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Showing posts with the label helps

Kansas bill could soon break the way for research into cannabis an hemp

Hemp would be grown for research and cannabis products would be legalized to treat chronic seizures under two bills before the Kansas Legislature. The House Health and Human Services Committee endorsed a bill Monday that would allow companies to produce hemp oils and sell them to people suffering from chronic seizures. Democratic Rep. John Wilson of Lawrence sponsored the bill and said about 24,000 Kansans suffering from such disorders could be affected. The House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee held a hearing on a separate bill Monday that would direct the Department of Agriculture to grow and study industrial hemp. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Jake Worcester said he supported the bill and that the department already has held preliminary talks with Kansas State University about potential collaboration on the project. Lets hope this bill comes through its time to end this war on drugs , fix the system one step at a time

Hemp Repairs Damaged DNA

Hemp & Cannabis have healing powers, Educate the nation its time to fix the system and stop making life harder for us on the lower end of the human scales of wealth & poverty. The human body is self healing basically when your body realizes you are sick or have bad cells, it creates new cells to fight of the bad and repair you back to good health. Hemp is a natural protein full of nutrition and it assists your body in repairing damaged DNA Hemp the future = Help end mass poverty Hemp Seed Oil Health Benefits Scientists have discovered astounding new evidence that suggests hemp proteins have the capacity to repair damaged DNA -- a phenomenon that occurs in all humans as the result of aging. While the majority of people are aware that DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is present within most living organisms, there is perhaps a larger percentage who are completely oblivious to the fact that this hereditary material accumulates damage in a manner similar to wear and...

Cannabis World Summit

Educate the nation - Cannabis is the miracle herb - Grows here for us to use to its full potential Keep informing yourself of the benefits of Hemp/Cannabis and share what you learn. Overgrow the world fuel fibers foods....the list goes on it also gets you high Puff Puff Pass Have you ever seen the movie "Pay It Forward"? (watch it if you haven't) It's about a kid who got the bright idea that he could make a positive change in the world by helping a few people, instructing them to help others, and they then are instructed to help others... rinse & repeat. Great inspiring story! This is a grassroots movement (pun intended). There is power in us little-folks. Look at what can happen when we "little guys" pool our tiny resources together. Regardless of what you may think of Obama now, remember, he got to become President of the United States of America by the collective voices and tiny campaign contributions by all the common citizens. H...