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Showing posts with the label tobacco

7days later tobbaco free

Tobacco man is all I can think about, why is it so addictive. And how on earth has it being legally sold for so many decades. Study's show Cannabis is much safer than tobacco. Its been one week since I quit tobacco, still smoking although just pipes & bongs. Its not a good buzz wanting for a cigarette. One day I will stop smoking an hit that vaporizer I feel like less of an idiot without the tobacco , but the cravings are ridiculous man. Drive anyone insane, and my brain already messed up... There is no simple solution to quit smoking, not in a world where its freely available publicly displayed in all areas. Rules an regulations don't work on everything. Wish I never started smoking Tobacco its poison. Cannabis is illegal way longer than most of us remember, yet its still surviving on the streets. Not killing anyone even though its illegal, Yet legal products like pharma , alcohol , tobacco and even water has killed more humans, what the fook is ...