In this cruel world we live in , the addicts we create , the system does no good for anyone , it does nothing but harm the innocent the ones who have not yet found there true role in society. If we ended the drug war 30 years ago , today would be a much better, brighter an safer place to live, in this day an age i pity those who are pregnant bringing new born's to our world of horror, i have been there we had shotguns fired at us at the age of 12, an only yesterday '''' these so called kids have ammunition an firearms only because we allow drugs to stay illegal an discreet. I grew up in Ballymun its a really nice place, people are awesome but drugs are pumped into here by some organization running riots worldwide. Anyhow I feel at an end i dont know where to turn anymore , seen kids been hot an kids on drugs is just way to much for me , i...