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Showing posts from July, 2014

Further evidence that cannabis reduces tumor growth in new study

Cannabis cures & this is a great article to read The main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis - tetrahydrocannabinol - could be used to reduce tumor growth in cancer patients, according to an international research team. Previous studies have suggested that cannabinoids, of which tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is one, have anti-cancer properties. In 2009, researchers at Complutense University in Spain found that THC induced the death of brain cancer cells in a process known as "autophagy." When human tumors in mice were targeted with doses of THC, the researchers found that two cell receptors were particularly associated with an anti-tumor response. The researchers found that administering THC to mice with human tumors initiated autophagy and caused the growth of the tumors to decrease. Two human patients with highly aggressive brain tumors who received intracranial administration of THC also showed similar signs of autophagy, upon analysis. The team behind the ne...

Study: Targeting Cannabinoid Receptors May Provide Treatment Option for Alcoholism

Cannabis can be used to treat alcoholics & in turn lead to a safer way of life . Alcohol kills A study published this month in the journal Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior has found that targeting the body’s cannabinoid receptors may provide a viable treatment option for alcoholism. For the study, a compound (BCP) meant to mimic the effects of cannabis “was used to investigate the role of the CB2 receptors in mediating alcohol intake and ethanol-induced conditioned place preference (EtOH-CPP) and sensitivity in mice. The effect of BCP on alcohol intake was evaluated using the standard two-bottle choice drinking method. The mice were presented with increasing EtOH concentrations and its consumption was measured daily. Consumption of saccharin and quinine solutions was measured following the EtOH preference tests. Finally, the effect of BCP on alcohol reward and sensitivity was tested using an unbiased EtOH-CPP and loss of righting-reflex (LORR) procedures, respective...

Study: how marijuana causes paranoia

So cannabis leads to paranoia , well if it was not illegal an humans didn't get stigmatized for using this substance maybe then we could see positive effects rather than all this negativity. Anyhow below is a study about the effects of cannabis and paranoia. Ps: Tobacco is mixed with cannabis almost everywhere , have they not checked to see if cannabis mixed with tobacco is the cause of problems, simply not just the cannabis. In what is deemed the largest and most in-depth study of the effects of the main ingredient in marijuana, researchers say they have identified the psychological factors that can lead to feelings of paranoia among users of the drug. The research team, led by Prof. Daniel Freeman of the University of Oxford in the UK, recently published their findings in the journal Schizophrenia Bulletin . Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a drug that is produced from the plants Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica . The main active ingredient in marijuana is ...

Cannabis Therapy starts research to support development of Hemp-based anti-inflammatory products

Cannabis Therapy, a development stage company aiming to become a leader in the research, development and commercialization of safe, all-natural, THC-free cannabinoid-based medicinal therapies and supplements (Nutraceuticals), is pleased to advise it is commencing exploratory laboratory research aimed at the development of cannabinoid-based products with potential application specific to inflammatory and auto-immune diseases. The Company's strategic research plan is designed to establish a series of inflammation assays and models with the goal of developing a hemp-extract profiling platform. This platform will enable identification and characterization of those hemp strains that are ideal for development of specific anti-inflammatory products. The extract profiling platform will play a key role in advancing new hemp-based products and in turning the company's current hemp crop into product prototypes for testing and manufacture. The proposed laboratory proc...

Cannabis ‘could cut tumour growth’

Cannabis has healing benefits the proof is out here, why do us humans always wait until its too late. Its just like employment jobs are there but we must get work via recruitment agencies. Making life harder for us lower class & working class humans. Cannabis is healing cancer an many more illnesses yet its been held behind closed doors making life much harder an stressful for that's who are truly really ill.            Important step ... THC’s anti-cancer properties have been known for some time but a new study had identified the receptors responsible for fighting tumours. Picture: Thinkstock Source: Supplied   CANNABIS could be used to reduce tumour growth in cancer patients, scientists have said. New research reveals the drug’s main psychoactive ingredient - tetrahydrocannabino (THC) - could be responsible for its success in shrinking tumours. It is hoped that the find...

Cancer Patient Walks Away from Hospice after Cannabis Treatment

Cannabis does cure cancer an it is a safer alternative to chemotherapy why are these humans been subjected to criminal abuse they are simply trying to use an alternative cure. Health Secrets) Regardless of the fact that several sessions of chemo or radiation lowers one’s chance of getting healed from so called “alternative” methods, it appears that cannabis treatment can overcome that obstacle. Stan and Barb Rutner had already had bouts with cancer earlier in their lives. Barb twice treated breast cancer with orthodox treatments and her version of visualization. Stan managed to get through non-Hodgkin lymphoma after six months of treatment. Of course, cancer seems to like to return after remissions from mainstream treatments.  And this time, when they were older, it looked like the end for Stan. This time Stan, a retired dentist, was diagnosed with lung cancer which had metastasized into his brain. The diagnosis  surprised him. He thought he had come down with flu because...

Cannabis Oil Cures 8 Month Old Infant of Cancer, Dissolving Large Inoperable Tumor In 8 Months

According to Dr. William Courtney, the western medical mind has a very hard if not impossible time trying to understand the diverse actions of Cannabidiol.  He explains how his youngest patient who is 8 months old, had a very massive centrally located inoperable brain tumor. The child’s father pushed for non-traditional treatment utilizing cannabis and put cannabinoid oil on the baby’s pacifier twice per day, gradually increasing the dose. Within two months there was a dramatic reduction. Dr. Courtney pointed out that the success of the cannabis approach means that “this child…is not going to have the long-term side effects that would come from a very high dose of chemotherapy or radiation. Source:

Nixon Knew Cannabis Cures Cancer, Suppressed the Findings in Leiu of War on Drugs

If you don’t know who these 3 men are, RESEARCH THEM. All 3 of them have discovered a different treatment for cancer, and all 3 of them have been made a target by the Govt and Big Pharma for their trouble. They DO NOT want the public to know they’ve been stonewalling Cancer cures. Full story :

Cannabis Oil Cured My Skin Cancer(Dave Triplett)

Cannabis cures and the proof is out here , educate yourself end the stigma on marijuana     Cannabis Oil Cured My Skin Cancer Cannabis is one of the most powerful healing plants in the world and it has been proven over and over that it can makes cancer essentially disappear. Cannabis compounds are the reason for halting the growth factors that are responsible for metastatic growth. There has been scientific evidence that marijuana can shrink and even kill tumors since the 1970s, a surge in public interest in this research has been inspired by Run From The Cure, a documentary about a Canadian man, Rick Simpson, who claims that the concentrated oil from the cannabis plant has cured his skin cancer. He then tries the cure on a number of other cancer victims in his community with similar results. Treating a Skin Lesion with Cannabis Oil – All you need to do is apply the cannabis oil directly to a skin cancer lesion. Cover it with a waterproof bandage, and leave...

34 Medical Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer

Source - GanjaNews There’s still a lot of confusion across the nation about whether or not marijuana is effective for cancer patients. Odds are you’ve heard something about it but weren’t sure whether the information was reliable or definitive. So, in order to help clear things up, here is a list of 34 studies showing that marijuana cures cancer, categorized by the type of cancers being cured in each study. As you sort through the articles, note that the consistent theme between them is that cannabis shrinks tumors and selectively targets cancer cells. As bills and voter initiatives to legalize medical marijuana spread from state to state, remember that we’re not just talking about mitigating the side effects of chemo (though this is another viable use), we’re talking about curing the cancer itself as well as preventing its spread. I’ve taken the liberty of only including articles from credible scientific journals, removing any biased or otherwise ...

Continued cannabis use and risk of incidence and persistence of psychotic symptoms: 10 year follow-up cohort study

Source:bmj   Introduction Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit drug in the world, particularly among adolescents. 1 2 The use of cannabis is consistently associated with mental illness, 3 in particular psychotic disorder. 4 5 6 7 8 9 It remains a matter of debate, however, whether the association between cannabis and psychosis is causal, or whether early psychotic experiences might in fact prompt cannabis use as a means of self medication. 10 11 This issue can be resolved only if incident cannabis use is investigated in relation to later incident psychotic symptoms or disorder. Rarely have studies been able to examine the longitudinal relation between cannabis use and psychosis in this fashion. The issue of self medication was addressed by Henquet and colleagues, 6 using data from the German prospective early developmental stages of psychopathology study. 12 13 The authors investigated the association between cannabis use at baseline and subsequent dev...

Parenting: No easy answers about cannabis use and breastfeeding

By Brittany Driver , The Cannabist Staff Cannabis is exploding all over the world with a here-to-stay attitude, so you’d better get used to it. I don’t see the reversal of legalization happening anytime soon, and the money keeps rolling in. I believe the applicable phraseology is “cha-ching.” Full story found here : Source: TheCannabist

Cannabis Not Used to Develop Hepatitis C Vaccine or Suppositories

Cannabis Not Used to Develop Hepatitis C Vaccine or Suppositories   Source:ladybud : Ladybud Admin / Agriculture , Health & Beauty , Medical , News & Editorial , Science / cannabis , cannabis hepatitis c vaccine , cannabis vaccine , chunky crimon strain , chunky crimons cannabis , chunky crimson , chunky crimson marijuana , cure , fake news , Hepatitis , Hepatitis C , hepattitus c vaccine , ladybud , ladybud mag , ladybud magazine , marijuana , medical cannabis , medical marijuana , Pam Anderson , Pamela Anderson , pot , satire , Tommy Lee , vaccine , weed , Wyoming Institute of Technology / 2 Comments It seems like there’s another over-the-top headline about cannabis every other day, from studies proclaiming it is, in fact, dangerous , to those that claim cannabis can cure just about everything. One popular story floating around right now sounds plausible. There has been a ...

University of Arizona Cannabis Researcher Fired (ladybud) Ladybud Admin / Agriculture , Law , Medical , News & Editorial , Science , The War Isn't Over / bullshit , cananbis clinical study , cancer , cannabis , Dr. Sisley , Dr. Suzanne A. Sisley , Dr. Suzanne Sisley. Suzanne A. Sisley , drug war , funding , ladybud , ladybud magazine , ladybudmag , marijuana clinical study , medical cannabis , medical cannabis research , medical marijuana , medical marijuana research , pot , prohibition , ptsd clinical study , republican , Sisley , Suzanne Sisley , University of Arizona , war on drugs , weed / 2 Comments As prohibition has been rolling back across the country, small steps into medical research with cannabis have been taken by brave scientists. One of those ingenious people on the cutting edge of science, Doctor Suzanne A. Sisley, has had her opportunity for comprehensive, university-funded research summarily destroyed, without explanation. Dr. ...

Schizophrenia, Cannabis Use May Share Common Genes

Schizophrenia, Cannabis Use May Share Common Genes Obviously Cannabis & Schizophrenia have some common genes they are both mind altering. Although one is a substance the other is just genetically passed on through generations. Lets help get this information out there, Cannabis is safer By Traci Pedersen Associate News Editor   Previous studies have shown a connection between cannabis use and schizophrenia, but it remained unclear exactly how the association works. The new study, published in the journal  Molecular Psychiatry , suggests that the relationship is more complex than simple cause-and-effect.   Source:   King’s College London