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Cannabis Oil Cured My Skin Cancer(Dave Triplett)

Cannabis cures and the proof is out here , educate yourself end the stigma on marijuana



Cannabis Oil Cured My Skin Cancer

Cannabis is one of the most powerful healing plants in the world and it has been proven over and over that it can makes cancer essentially disappear. Cannabis compounds are the reason for halting the growth factors that are responsible for metastatic growth. There has been scientific evidence that marijuana can shrink and even kill tumors since the 1970s, a surge in public interest in this research has been inspired by Run From The Cure, a documentary about a Canadian man, Rick Simpson, who claims that the concentrated oil from the cannabis plant has cured his skin cancer. He then tries the cure on a number of other cancer victims in his community with similar results. Treating a Skin Lesion with Cannabis Oil – All you need to do is apply the cannabis oil directly to a skin cancer lesion. Cover it with a waterproof bandage, and leave it on for 3 days. At the end of 3 days remove the bandage, clean the site with isopropyl alcohol and re-treat for as long as you think it is needed. When you are sure the cancer lesion is cured, continue treating for another two or more weeks. Here is further prove that cannabis oil cures cancer. Watch the video below to see how the cannabis oil dramatically shrinks and eventually cures Dave Triplett of skin cancer.  Full story :


  1. Never give up on treating your cancer for there is a cure and my husband was once a cancer patient, am cythia lisa living in Belgium. Two years ago my husband suffered from lungs cancer and the doctor told us that nothing could be done, I was so frustrated and the thought of loosing my husband was so unbearable that I lost all hope.

    One faithful day my daughter told me that she had found a cure for cancer and she found it on the internet, she ask me to watch Rick Simpson’s video with her. Although i didn’t believe her I watched it anyway just to please her and after watching it I discovered that it brought my hope back and i wanted to give it a try.

    I and my daughter started searching for legitimate source that could provide the Rick Simpson’s hemp oil that would cure my husband. We read a lot of testimonies online of how a lot of doctors has helped a lot of patients cured their cancer with hemp oil and it was on one of this sites we found a sole distributor of RSH oil,Rick Simpson, we contacted him Via his Email:, or call +2348161554365 which we found in the testimony we read.

    RSH oil is the best ever, I followed his instruction and now my husband is healthy and I am so excited.

    Thanks to RSH oil for helping my husband cure his cancer with his and for also making life worth living once again. We all love you cythia lisa .... God Bless

  2. Your best option today to treat cancer is using the Rick Simpsons formula of hemp oil which thousands of people have benefited from including my mother . She carried out her treatment plan as instructed and today she's not only cancer free but has recovered fully.

    Hemp oil detoxifies and it is unusual for people who are over weight to lose
    many pounds during their treatment. It’s almost as if the oil knows what you should weigh and over time it will bring your body to that level. I have seen many people lose a great deal more. .

    Hemp oil rejuvenates vital organs, it is not uncommon for
    people to report the oil making them feel 20 to 30 years younger a
    short while after beginning treatment.

    The treatment plan is the complete one recommended for the total
    eradication of the patient disease within the complete treatment plan Don't apply the wrong medication.
    Contact us Dr Alice Monte today for correct medication and supply.

    Dr Vera Monte
    Rick Simpson &
    Health and success strategist

    . decided to work with Rick Simpsons team to help save life. If you are interested contact me for more information via email:


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