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Showing posts from March, 2015

Cannabis is here way to long too still be illegal...

Ok as the title reads, Dinosaurs ate cannabis many moons ago, Sure Adam & Eve supposedly hid there bits with a leaf what leaf ya reckon it was? Cannabis my friend, it was around all this time, Now I am unsure about Adam, Eve or the dinosaurs for that matter but hey we humans were here and cannabis was once a viable source of cash and medicine, what has changed..... Yo don't grow your own as today its a crime, the world we live in , humans been evacuated from homes, yet the homeless population grows. The hemp seed we sow doesn't pollute yet here we are burning fossil fuels. what happen us humans.  Its about time some countries are starting to legalize now doctors have somewhere to go to study the plant further and soon prevent further human torture. Locking humans up for possession of a drug that should really be legal is a moral sin, they are simply filling over-populated prisons. The system is wrong and broken worldwide we must unite not fight. Peace & Love...

Tobacoo and Cannabis -

Hi as you may have read , I gave up tobacco altogether for approx. 10 days. First thing I need to say is that I felt totally at ease smoking Cannabis via bongs & pipes. For the entire time I was tobacco free all I wanted was a cigarette not a doobie.. There was no paranoia or any other bad symptoms from just smoking cannabis alone, yet I have came to the conclusion that mixing Cannabis/skunk with tobacco in a joint or spliffs can lead humans into a state of paranoia or worse depression or anxious. I still do not understand why tobacco is legal and cannabis is hated on so much, Unfortunately I did smoke some tobacco again and I will soon try to quit once again. The thing is for one week just smoking cannabis I had no anxiety or paranoia, life was pretty good until I felt a real need for some tobacco. Like I flipped out , felt so angry, like the world was against me. So after I flipped out I decided to roll one up, not just a cigarette, but a doobie (weed & t...

7days later tobbaco free

Tobacco man is all I can think about, why is it so addictive. And how on earth has it being legally sold for so many decades. Study's show Cannabis is much safer than tobacco. Its been one week since I quit tobacco, still smoking although just pipes & bongs. Its not a good buzz wanting for a cigarette. One day I will stop smoking an hit that vaporizer I feel like less of an idiot without the tobacco , but the cravings are ridiculous man. Drive anyone insane, and my brain already messed up... There is no simple solution to quit smoking, not in a world where its freely available publicly displayed in all areas. Rules an regulations don't work on everything. Wish I never started smoking Tobacco its poison. Cannabis is illegal way longer than most of us remember, yet its still surviving on the streets. Not killing anyone even though its illegal, Yet legal products like pharma , alcohol , tobacco and even water has killed more humans, what the fook is ...

Cannabis needs to be freed from this Failed Drug War

Safety is key and Cannabis is the safest natural drug on this planet. Education is the key , and this is your reality and the children of tomorrows future is at risk, The war on drugs is merely a human Guiney pig trap for the prisons to keep there populations up. And secondly the price of anything illegal always rises so therefore so much money wasted on police surveillance catching growers Etc. , Those #wastedresources could be used really to help kids who  are missing and possibly solve to premeditated murders.  Ain't it time they start fighting the real crime. Cannabis has been that illegal weed for as long as forever & yet it is on every street corner of almost every part of this globe, Trapping innocent potheads into only smoking what they are giving, taking away the rights of our life's by basically pushing the poison Alcohol onto us. The hippies were right keep up the fight. Alcohol kills more than any other substance on Earth yet its the mai...

Utah Physician Fights To Treat 16-Year-Old Daughter’s Cancer with Cannabis

Dr. Wilson Fights to Use Cannabis for His Daughter Dr. Michael Wilson testified before the committee about his professional and personal desires to see medicinal cannabis legalized. Before his turn, a woman named Tenille Farr discussed her experience treating her Stage II Hodgkin’s lymphoma with cannabis extracts instead of chemotherapy. She was pregnant at the time of diagnosis and could not use traditional treatments. After going to another state for treatment, her cancer stopped growing and became benign. Upon returning to Utah, the cancer started to grow again, and Farr now desires to reinitiate treatment. Check out the full Medical Jane article  

Kansas bill could soon break the way for research into cannabis an hemp

Hemp would be grown for research and cannabis products would be legalized to treat chronic seizures under two bills before the Kansas Legislature. The House Health and Human Services Committee endorsed a bill Monday that would allow companies to produce hemp oils and sell them to people suffering from chronic seizures. Democratic Rep. John Wilson of Lawrence sponsored the bill and said about 24,000 Kansans suffering from such disorders could be affected. The House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee held a hearing on a separate bill Monday that would direct the Department of Agriculture to grow and study industrial hemp. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Jake Worcester said he supported the bill and that the department already has held preliminary talks with Kansas State University about potential collaboration on the project. Lets hope this bill comes through its time to end this war on drugs , fix the system one step at a time