Safety is key and Cannabis is the safest natural drug on this planet.
Education is the key , and this is your reality and the children of tomorrows future is at risk, The war on drugs is merely a human Guiney pig trap for the prisons to keep there populations up.
And secondly the price of anything illegal always rises so therefore so much money wasted on police surveillance catching growers Etc. , Those #wastedresources could be used really to help kids who are missing and possibly solve to premeditated murders. Ain't it time they start fighting the real crime.
Cannabis has been that illegal weed for as long as forever & yet it is on every street corner of almost every part of this globe, Trapping innocent potheads into only smoking what they are giving, taking away the rights of our life's by basically pushing the poison Alcohol onto us. The hippies were right keep up the fight.
Alcohol kills more than any other substance on Earth yet its the main sponsorship of every child's dream team or superhero - Duffman * Duff Beer hmmm donuts.
Back to the main subject its time to allow humans decide what is right, Fix The System.
End the war on drugs - I.E end the war on lower an middle class citizens.
We are all the same
Ps don't listen to me educate yourself, stay safe.
What does Portugal look like after 14 years of Decriminalizing all drugs, yes all drugs not just Cannabis, check out the story by
Education is the key , and this is your reality and the children of tomorrows future is at risk, The war on drugs is merely a human Guiney pig trap for the prisons to keep there populations up.
And secondly the price of anything illegal always rises so therefore so much money wasted on police surveillance catching growers Etc. , Those #wastedresources could be used really to help kids who are missing and possibly solve to premeditated murders. Ain't it time they start fighting the real crime.
Cannabis has been that illegal weed for as long as forever & yet it is on every street corner of almost every part of this globe, Trapping innocent potheads into only smoking what they are giving, taking away the rights of our life's by basically pushing the poison Alcohol onto us. The hippies were right keep up the fight.
Alcohol kills more than any other substance on Earth yet its the main sponsorship of every child's dream team or superhero - Duffman * Duff Beer hmmm donuts.
Back to the main subject its time to allow humans decide what is right, Fix The System.
End the war on drugs - I.E end the war on lower an middle class citizens.
We are all the same
Ps don't listen to me educate yourself, stay safe.
What does Portugal look like after 14 years of Decriminalizing all drugs, yes all drugs not just Cannabis, check out the story by
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