This is sad , more need to stand up and help humans before time runs out for some , Cannabis
has healing powers and will help extend the life's of not only us humans but prolong the life of our wonderful home , Earth.
Omagh man needs more support , have a read of this ....

Kieran McCrory talks candidly about having three to five years to live. The former painter and decorator from Omagh has stage four brain cancer and doctors have emphasised, “Kieran, this will eventually get you.”
And yet, despite everything – the brain surgery, the subsequent paralysis and dire realisation that he is terminally ill, the 37-year-old is stubbornly upbeat about life. He’s a father and a husband and he has a large group of friends and family who have been, he says, a massive source of support over the past few months.
One thing which is proving to be a real bugbear of Kieran’s however, is the British Government’s attitude to medicinal cannabis.
Other than Sativex, a cannabis-based oromucosal spray for use by multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, no other product has been approved by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) and granted Marketing Authorisation.
Otherwise all cannabis based products are illegal in the UK. Kieran believes this is outdated thinking.
Following a significant amount of research on his part, Kieran says he has unearthed a number of cases in other countries, including the USA, where people have successfully treated brain tumours with a canabinoid oil called ‘hemp oil CBD (Cannabidiol)’.
Understandably perhaps, Kieran says he will try anything to prolong his life. If that means using hemp oil CBD, he’s willing to give it a try.
To that end and as a catalyst to kick-start a conversation about medicinal cannabis, Kieran has written to the office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, outlining his hopes as well as his plight.
‘On the October 8, 2014 I woke for work and suffered three seizures in the space of 30 minutes,” he wrote in the missive, “So I cancelled my day and set off to the Tyrone County Hospital, as I had never suffered seizures before. Up until this, I was a young, fit, healthy man.
“I have had six hours of brain surgery which have left me with no power on the left hand side of my body, ie hemiplegic…
“I’m doing my best to stay positive and hope that I am a winner for my wife and my daughter’s sake. I want a long healthy life as do many in my position, young and old…
“I am now at the hands of a brain tumour which is controlled on a daily routine of prescription drugs, which will remain ongoing until my last days.
“I have had six weeks of radiation treatment to shrink the remainder of the tumour and as you can imagine this is more strain on the mind and body… I’m still feeling it today as I write this.
“So today First Minister and Deputy First Minister, I ask for your compassion in considering my plea in allowing myself to help treat myself in a natural way using medicinal marijuana or CBD oil. I’m sure you’ve noticed this is happening around the world. As we speak, America is adding four states (which) use legal medicinal marijuana/CBD oil.”
The response to Kieran’s missive, he says, was disappointing. First he was advised that the OFMDFM office was not the correct destination for his inquiry and he was advised to contact the Department of Health. This he did, though the response was much the same. A Department of Health spokesman passed the buck to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, which regulates medicines in the UK. Ultimately, they said, CBD oil “cannot be made available (for) cancer treatment.”
To boot, when contacted in relation to the issue of medicinal cannabis the Home Office added, “The Government has no plans to legalise cannabis or to change our approach to its use as a medicine…
“We take an evidence-based approach to tackling the use and supply of drugs, and they are illegal where scientific and medical analysis has shown they are harmful to human health.”
Kieran added, “What about alcohol and tobacco?”
Whilst he says he is under no illusions about one person in Omagh changing the laws of the land, Kieran says he’s happy enough initialising a conversation about medicinal cannabis.
Since the penning of his letter, he has featured on BBC Radio and even founded a new body, the Omagh Medicinal Cannabis Support Group.
“The response to the group on Facebook has been massive,” he says. “I’ve had people contacting me from all over the world, from Russia, Germany, Columbia; the interest is out there.
“Now I feel that I have the right to help myself. I’ve seen groundbreaking results that CBD has had with kids with epilepsy and other people with tumours and on how it can help with seizures.
“The argument that cannabis causes psychosis doesn’t stand up when I look at the possible side effects of the drugs I have to take. When you’re talking about side affects like suicide, manic depression and rage, anything else looks good.”
For now, Kieran says he is determined to continue his fight.
He is in the process of founding a petition and organising a local rally. And he isn’t ruling out a personal appearance on the steps of Stormont. He also paid tribute to the work of local charity, Brainwaves NI and founder, Kate Ferguson.
“I would like to think Northern Ireland would consider bringing this debate to the fore,” he says.
“The stigma around medicinal cannabis is outdated. Many people young and old can benefit, please give it a chance. Let’s work together and change the lives of many people and future generations to come. Let’s bring Northern Ireland into a new and exciting approach to health care for everyone.”
He concluded, “But at the end of the day, I’d rather be illegally alive than legally dead.”
has healing powers and will help extend the life's of not only us humans but prolong the life of our wonderful home , Earth.
Omagh man needs more support , have a read of this ....
Omagh man appeals for cannabis oil to prolong life
Kieran McCrory talks with reporter Michael Devlin. MC 45
And yet, despite everything – the brain surgery, the subsequent paralysis and dire realisation that he is terminally ill, the 37-year-old is stubbornly upbeat about life. He’s a father and a husband and he has a large group of friends and family who have been, he says, a massive source of support over the past few months.
One thing which is proving to be a real bugbear of Kieran’s however, is the British Government’s attitude to medicinal cannabis.
Other than Sativex, a cannabis-based oromucosal spray for use by multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, no other product has been approved by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) and granted Marketing Authorisation.
Otherwise all cannabis based products are illegal in the UK. Kieran believes this is outdated thinking.
Following a significant amount of research on his part, Kieran says he has unearthed a number of cases in other countries, including the USA, where people have successfully treated brain tumours with a canabinoid oil called ‘hemp oil CBD (Cannabidiol)’.
Understandably perhaps, Kieran says he will try anything to prolong his life. If that means using hemp oil CBD, he’s willing to give it a try.
To that end and as a catalyst to kick-start a conversation about medicinal cannabis, Kieran has written to the office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, outlining his hopes as well as his plight.
‘On the October 8, 2014 I woke for work and suffered three seizures in the space of 30 minutes,” he wrote in the missive, “So I cancelled my day and set off to the Tyrone County Hospital, as I had never suffered seizures before. Up until this, I was a young, fit, healthy man.
“I have had six hours of brain surgery which have left me with no power on the left hand side of my body, ie hemiplegic…
“I’m doing my best to stay positive and hope that I am a winner for my wife and my daughter’s sake. I want a long healthy life as do many in my position, young and old…
“I am now at the hands of a brain tumour which is controlled on a daily routine of prescription drugs, which will remain ongoing until my last days.
“I have had six weeks of radiation treatment to shrink the remainder of the tumour and as you can imagine this is more strain on the mind and body… I’m still feeling it today as I write this.
“So today First Minister and Deputy First Minister, I ask for your compassion in considering my plea in allowing myself to help treat myself in a natural way using medicinal marijuana or CBD oil. I’m sure you’ve noticed this is happening around the world. As we speak, America is adding four states (which) use legal medicinal marijuana/CBD oil.”
The response to Kieran’s missive, he says, was disappointing. First he was advised that the OFMDFM office was not the correct destination for his inquiry and he was advised to contact the Department of Health. This he did, though the response was much the same. A Department of Health spokesman passed the buck to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, which regulates medicines in the UK. Ultimately, they said, CBD oil “cannot be made available (for) cancer treatment.”
To boot, when contacted in relation to the issue of medicinal cannabis the Home Office added, “The Government has no plans to legalise cannabis or to change our approach to its use as a medicine…
“We take an evidence-based approach to tackling the use and supply of drugs, and they are illegal where scientific and medical analysis has shown they are harmful to human health.”
Kieran added, “What about alcohol and tobacco?”
Whilst he says he is under no illusions about one person in Omagh changing the laws of the land, Kieran says he’s happy enough initialising a conversation about medicinal cannabis.
Since the penning of his letter, he has featured on BBC Radio and even founded a new body, the Omagh Medicinal Cannabis Support Group.
“The response to the group on Facebook has been massive,” he says. “I’ve had people contacting me from all over the world, from Russia, Germany, Columbia; the interest is out there.
“Now I feel that I have the right to help myself. I’ve seen groundbreaking results that CBD has had with kids with epilepsy and other people with tumours and on how it can help with seizures.
“The argument that cannabis causes psychosis doesn’t stand up when I look at the possible side effects of the drugs I have to take. When you’re talking about side affects like suicide, manic depression and rage, anything else looks good.”
For now, Kieran says he is determined to continue his fight.
He is in the process of founding a petition and organising a local rally. And he isn’t ruling out a personal appearance on the steps of Stormont. He also paid tribute to the work of local charity, Brainwaves NI and founder, Kate Ferguson.
“I would like to think Northern Ireland would consider bringing this debate to the fore,” he says.
“The stigma around medicinal cannabis is outdated. Many people young and old can benefit, please give it a chance. Let’s work together and change the lives of many people and future generations to come. Let’s bring Northern Ireland into a new and exciting approach to health care for everyone.”
He concluded, “But at the end of the day, I’d rather be illegally alive than legally dead.”
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