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Our world Our Choices

Its one huge game of Monopoly & the banks are winning. From GMOs to CEOs its corrupt to the core, why I have no idea , call me crazy but hey this is the internet. Is the world hugely rigged to keep economic stability , why create terrorist , why cant we spread peace.

Its an eye-opener and sad to think our planet is at risk of humans destroying it , all in the pursuit of money and economic growth, When really we should all slow down be happy with your iPhone4 why go bezerk to get a iPhone 4s. The world governing body's have  laws on GMOs & Kyoto protocol, (meant to prevent global warming / pollution) Etc. This world is supposed to unite worldwide do what we have to do to survive , yet some of the biggest nations globally productive nations like USA an hey presto China opted out of these and or have ways around it.
Yes' they opted out. Strange. I think so. why are they allowed to do this?

The information is out online by media groups who
are owned by some of these rulers. We need to fix the world, fix corruption.
Are they trying to send us all crazy , why create more food than we can buy , cant we just make smaller shops with smaller shelfs ? It really would make sense for future generations.

I can almost go crazy reading about the wrongs of humans, Like In Ireland the struggle is real an we are been forced to pay more taxes for water or other amenities bins etc, look across the pond in Europe so many immigrants that country's are on verge of collapse, o did I mention we have Korea fighting itself almost semi war state, back to water Detroit they had their water switched off 3 years ago , Low an behold Goldman Sachs owns the City of Detroit's water. Just like Irish Water is trying to sell the people out , the banks are playing a cat and mouse game, they want all our water.

Goldman Sachs CEOs earning more money than one man could ever spend, it is strange that while Greece gets information from this source about defaulting their loans , the IMF somehow allow it.
Its like '' I go to the local bank  and say ''hey I am a pothead (maybe not) and eh am on the dole but I could do with a loan of about 800quid bud'' yes no problem sir cash or cheque? Don't think so !!

How can one man become a billionaire while one whole country becomes broke. Its silly this is the real world.

Iceland only country to jail there bankers !!
Fair play jail is for corruption not for humans growing alittle weed ;)
It can all be fixed by forgetting some debt that in reality doesn't really exist

Bankers took our homes , they are soon to take our water, they took our social life's an created a social night. Its called life.

Inside Job

A great book to read is - Enough Is Plenty -

A world how its all so smoothly flowing yet humans be exploding and it basically means nothing because they got a new iphone coming

Thanks for reading , peace & love my lovely peoples


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