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Cannabis helps

From a very young I began smoking cannabis in hash form as cannabis bud was not on the streets as it is today , The drug war kicked of an epidemic and many years later here we are with multiple new drugs on our streets , higher prices and less resources for helping addicts. Out of all drugs ive consumed over the year I must say Cannabis is number one choice for me anyhow as I said from a young age I toked some hash over the years I moved to smoking cannabis herb in bud form many years later when it started flowing around the streets of Dublin.  The war on drugs literally only raises the price of drugs and fills prison cells. Its a complete shambles , cannabis has done no harm to anyone and is really a herb needed on earth , Ie Hemp can save our world if we let it.

I used to drink a lot of alcohol back in the day , from a bad night out and ending up in a prison cell I had some clear thoughts and figured out alcohol really is what Bob Marley says it was - The destruction of the nation. Obviously id love to stop drinking alcohol but hey its everywhere its cheap and legal, tough to stay away when its in your face. Anyhow I decided to get high from now on instead of getting over drunk id get a doobie into me and hey presto I be home in bed munching on some sweets or some kind of foods.  From smoking cannabis ive never got in trouble with the law ever, everything seems easier more peaceful, I had multiple hospital appointments for different pains I was getting over the years, It progressed from one appointment to around 6or 7 long story short I went in with pains came back out with numerous problems from stomach ulcers to headaches... Worst mistake was trying to get treated by doctors, who really are only out to increase profits by creating customers and not healing patients,  I went in with one prescription came out with 5. I quiet possibly could be still taking anti depressing's , anxiety pills stomach ulcers pills but I decided not to and hear I am two years later still alive still smoking and I got no doctor appointments.

Ps: I  think I may have killed my stomach ulcers using good old fashioned organically grown chilli. I ate one whole smoked a bowl and hey presto bed for two days I was healthy on day 3 no stomach pains today.

The world is a strange place where things that kill us are legal and cheap , from chipper foods to pharmaceuticals they are all on every street corner. Why cant we make the most of hemp from fuel to paper its a plant that does more than get you high Cannabis. Should be legalized worldwide.  Water kills more people than cannabis.

Moral of the story is without cannabis in my life I could possibly be locked away in prison for been drunken disorderly or something silly , by toking cannabis I believe cannabis not only helped me smoke less cigarettes it also really helped to stop abusing alcohol getting drunk and messy. In moderation both are nice but take it easy, If cannabis was legal there would not be so many drunks in hospitals daily . harm reduction safety is key .

Anyhow peace and pot its been awhile since I was online , I be back soon ''Stay high



  1. Hi
    Thanks for your creative activities.Cannabis has connection with mankind for thousands of years. Cannabis has psychoactive and therapeutic qualities. The cannabis plant can grow up to five meters in height in the wild.Take a look at:cannabis healing

    Best regards
    Mahfuz. Info


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