Isn't it rather odd that almost 40% of our population has tried cannabis or hemp in some shape or form, yet here we are with these drug laws preventing doctors and patients from working closely with this miracle plant. Its time to decriminalize for the love of the future end the war on drugs or at least free the weed.
So Does Cannabis Cure? Research Suggests Cannabis Cures here's some links to assist your studies. Cannabis has healing powers The Medical Minute: Neurodegeneration, Focus, and the Snowballing Recognition of Cannabis’ Benefits By: Bailey Rahn 5/13/2014 New group will regularly demonstrate for medical marijuana, industrial hemp Reach state reporter Laura Hancock at 307-266-0581 or at . Follow her on Twitter: @laurahancock . Amazing Results: The Healing Power of #Cannabis Oil On Lyme Disease and Lyme Co-i...
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