Why are we still continuing to allow the worlds police force arrest people on drug charges , It would be a much safer world , if we just end this war on drugs, stop locking up consumers an smugglers. Lets educate the nation instead of treating addict likes animals. If we decriminalize all drugs the world will become safer over the years, people will always do drugs but wouldn't it be better if we had safer drugs with more research. Maybe even have real jobs for supposedly real criminals, we the humans make the drugs, we consume the drugs an yet we continue to incarcerate humans an treat them like animals , why ? Stigma that why. If you dont think its a good idea you must really appreciate the fact that kids are dealing drugs an organizing hits by dropping guns off with the drugs etc. If we control this take the drugs off the black market , educate the world today for a safer tomoro. It has to be done, end the war on drugs. Stop prison populations growing , start rehabilitatin...
The drug war shouldn't exist...