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Showing posts from November, 2016


Why are we still continuing to allow the worlds police force arrest people on drug charges , It would be a much safer world , if we just end this war on drugs, stop locking up consumers an smugglers. Lets educate the nation instead of treating addict likes animals. If we decriminalize all drugs the world will become safer over the years, people will always do drugs but wouldn't it be better if we had safer drugs with more research. Maybe even have real jobs for supposedly real criminals, we the humans make the drugs, we consume the drugs an yet we continue to incarcerate humans an treat them like animals , why ? Stigma that why. If you dont think its a good idea you must really appreciate the fact that kids are dealing drugs an organizing hits by dropping guns off with the drugs etc. If we control this take the drugs off the black market , educate the world today for a safer tomoro. It has to be done, end the war on drugs. Stop prison populations growing , start rehabilitatin...

The war on drugs is #wastedresources

We are the creators of the global drug problem, we are the ones who can change the system today , yet we continue to incarnate our own people. Locking them away in appalling conditions , because they were caught with some illegal drugs that we created somewhere on this globe, we are all different in our own ways but in reality we all live on one big bubble and these drugs laws are causing harm  to each an everyone , from the youths selling it to the adults transporting it. Its time that we changed our perspective on the drug war, it is time we understood people consume drugs an this drug war must end , start changing today makes way for a brighter healthier more educated society. the time is now end the drug war. #wastedresources is just one hashtag i use about mainly cannabis , add up all the weeds seized worldwide , we could solve the homeless crisis or feed those who are less fortunate, while create spaces for homes instead of more prisons. lets create a fairer society. l...

The prison system ??

The prison system was set up in association with the big business, most of our humans incarcerated (locked up ) are in for stupid ass crimes, due to drugs. If we end the drug war today, Tomorrow makes for a brighter day, it means if drug laws are gone , your children wont be selling drugs from their school bags in the school yard to other school children. This is the world we live in their is prison world wide an they are running drug rings from the inside , our prison officers dont get paid enough the elite has us on a fecking treadmill all flowing like cattle waiting to be slaughtered either die obey or be incarcerated. Isnt it sad that we have so many humans who look down on addicts , yet we see the problem we can prevent this an make the world safer , yet no fucking ignorance an arrogance. Humans doing heroin shame on them , no fucking shame on you  for allowing this drug war continue as it has done. Ruining lifes world wide , then we have the corrupt governments, sellin...

Cannabis Drugs our world

First come first , long time no see, thank for visiting. Cheers for listening. Grammar police feck off , leave your remarks say as you want. Either way welcome get reading an correcting me on my old posts. Thanks very much right so cannabis should not be illegal anywhere, why have we got prisons with bigger populations than a lot of free roaming citys. Its all a load of bullshit. We the people do thedrugs we create the drugs , yet we are forced to be jailed or fined due to consuming these illegal goods. Its a sad world when we create drugs that kill less people than our legal pharmaceuticals, whats the point folks ? you argues cannabis causes schizophrenia or what ever , alcohol does more damage than the herb or heroin ever did, now in saying that heroin has destroyed  families to a point they all feel what is life?? why live in this shamefiul light, yet alcohol abusers are our lawyers or doctors...... Yes our hospital A&Es are full of patients overwhelmed by the drugs ...