First come first , long time no see, thank for visiting. Cheers for listening.
Grammar police feck off , leave your remarks say as you want. Either way welcome get reading an correcting me on my old posts.
Thanks very much right so cannabis should not be illegal anywhere, why have we got prisons with bigger populations than a lot of free roaming citys. Its all a load of bullshit. We the people do thedrugs we create the drugs , yet we are forced to be jailed or fined due to consuming these illegal goods.
Its a sad world when we create drugs that kill less people than our legal pharmaceuticals, whats the point folks ? you argues cannabis causes schizophrenia or what ever , alcohol does more damage than the herb or heroin ever did, now in saying that heroin has destroyed families to a point they all feel what is life?? why live in this shamefiul light, yet alcohol abusers are our lawyers or doctors......
Yes our hospital A&Es are full of patients overwhelmed by the drugs they have taking , but on a drug users perspective its fucking ridiculous , we all need to stand up an be open an truthful about drug use.
When we end this war on drugs we end the stigma on drug users, we also educate the future of tomorrow. Making the world a safer place for future generations. You reading this you are the future you can help , end the stigma , end the war on drugs . Fuck this system we have its no better than the pharma your gran has.....peace an love from d3cks
Grammar police feck off , leave your remarks say as you want. Either way welcome get reading an correcting me on my old posts.
Thanks very much right so cannabis should not be illegal anywhere, why have we got prisons with bigger populations than a lot of free roaming citys. Its all a load of bullshit. We the people do thedrugs we create the drugs , yet we are forced to be jailed or fined due to consuming these illegal goods.
Its a sad world when we create drugs that kill less people than our legal pharmaceuticals, whats the point folks ? you argues cannabis causes schizophrenia or what ever , alcohol does more damage than the herb or heroin ever did, now in saying that heroin has destroyed families to a point they all feel what is life?? why live in this shamefiul light, yet alcohol abusers are our lawyers or doctors......
Yes our hospital A&Es are full of patients overwhelmed by the drugs they have taking , but on a drug users perspective its fucking ridiculous , we all need to stand up an be open an truthful about drug use.
When we end this war on drugs we end the stigma on drug users, we also educate the future of tomorrow. Making the world a safer place for future generations. You reading this you are the future you can help , end the stigma , end the war on drugs . Fuck this system we have its no better than the pharma your gran has.....peace an love from d3cks
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Peace Love Cannabis