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Showing posts from May, 2018

Ecstasy had me feeling good over Christmas

Welcome, firstly sorry I ain't posted anything worthwhile lately, I have technology problems , everything is failing..... Then I feel I have been inbetween a mental breakdown. Abortion is legal in Ireland, glad the debate is over , glad the women got the vote they wanted and I certainly am delighted people are sticking together. One thing I voted no as I don't want abortion on demand , I hope there's strict rules and some don't abuse this like in other country's, not only is it dangerous an damaging to women's health its also seriously hard to cope after abortions...I've been through basically two.  It was so tough still to this day I bless myself thinking what if...its hard on the mental health, anyway delighted women don't have to hide an feel shamed about this situation.... I hope its not abused as when a life is meant to be we shouldn't prevent it because we feel its not right in that time, we could be aborting the next Einstein. Who knows what...