A new study by NLM (National library of medicines) has claimed that pot heads using cannabis may actually have lower BMI (body mass index) than those who do not consume the plant. This means that the cravings for so called munchies are not causing any problems to the obese nation. In fact if you are to smoke cannabis it should an possibly will slim your waist line. So put down those low fat yogurts and grab a bong or vape some high grade THC . Typically a smoker has 3.1% lower BMI than a non user. study is found here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27572145 According to the studies on obese states in America overall states that have legalized or states who are close to Colorado for example are typically less obese than other states where cannabis still remains illegal. This means if you want to regulate your weight , Smoke some pot Peace & herbs
The drug war shouldn't exist...