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We need changes

Every single thing on this globe has been set up purposely to keep humans brains not thinking, they dont want us to open our mind, they are poisoning humans worldwide , you may not see it on your street but it is happening. Then we are being controlled by the media they portray everything as pure dramatic never before seen footage bullshit...Possibly staged... the word terrorist was created by humans to be used for scare tactics.  This world has so much more potential 'humans are capable of so much more. Look what our ancestors done way back then , Pyramids perfectly aligned to stars , planets found before we ever knew they existed. Yet we have such huge advances in technology.. Why are we wasting time spying on each other an creating weapons of mass destruction why can't we all on this planet we call Earth why cant we humans unite for the greatest gift of all , the future needs us , it needs us yesterday. Stop the lies , stop the fights let unite . Peace 

Just a little rant

Hello there , my bad i have not posted much sense or nonsense lately , I've literally ran outta steam, no dreams no goals or hopes.  This world is so fucked up , totally corrupt and we humans seem totally powerless to help create change with some peace and equality. Why or how has this world progressed so slowly, why are we still making weapons of mass destruction and why on earth are we still fighting one another. Its fucking ridiculous totally fed up on this place we call earth. Home to many yet torture for most. Its fucking horrendous how we create drug laws an drugs yet we take humans life's away for taking part,' whether dealing , delivering or taking the system is fucked. We need a new world order for sure, but most certainly not the one the elite are pushing for, humans going homeless an people can almost afford little things like water !!! Anyhow i am totally lost, no idea where life is going for all of us, I for one wont be having children to leave around. Thi...

The scientist -Dr. Mechoulam

Another excellent documentary showing the wonders an magic of this plant,. end the stigma Cannabis helps. Educate yourself :) “The Scientist” is a documentary that traces the story of Dr Mechoulam from his early a child of the Holocaust in Bulgaria, through his immigration to Israel, and his career as the chief investigator into the chemistry and biology of the world’s most misunderstood plant. Dr. Mechoulam ascertained that THC interacts with the largest receptor system in the human body, the endocannabinoid system (ECS). For further information please visit: Source:

Time to rethink the worlds #DrugWar

Okay another rant , and thanks very much for visiting my page, Its such a pity people all round the world in prisons, have their life taking away for silly drug crimes. They are sometimes alone forever. No fresh air no visits. Its a horrible corrupt to the core system and we all are aware of it . If we end the drug war , we make it safer for the future. And that is all that matters. Rethink the drug laws and help change the world for the better. One voice one tweet anything. together we are better I like drugs , i like how humans have them controlled, nobody dies more frequently than those hooked on pharma , yes the legal stuff. anyhow back to the drugs on every street corner the illegal ones. we put them there and we are taking peoples lives away by keeping these outdated laws enacted. the time for change is now ...fuck all wars, fuck the drug war an fix the fucking system. Thanks for dropping by , stay high on life .together we are stronger. overthrow the system . 25% o...

Time to overhaul the worlds prison systems

Murderers ,rapists& all those sick ass humans , dont deserve a life in prison , they deserve to be put asleep like some failing greyhounds Rehabilitation programs should be first priority in all American run prison systems #Alecc #politicians #corporations ' Help save their souls. When humans lose there freedom over silly crimes related to a failed drug war , its sickening!! #EndDrugWar What is Alec ?

Welcome to year 2017

Hello , welcome to my blog, hopefully this year i may try type some actual knowledge, i shall start by saying its finally so nice to see Cannabis is being noticed for good rather than evil, time now to stop penalizing humans for consuming cannabis, we are not criminals. Lets hope for real peace , lets find facts and try find ways to resolve things peacefully , Lets end corporations working in association with politicians and help humans work to make the future better. Instead of taking away peoples lifes for committing crimes they were forced into' lets try a new approach. peace n love

Medicinal Cannabis to be legalized in Ireland Spring 2017

Hello thanks for visiting , do check out my older posts, im a noob blogger. The time is near and the choice finally seems clear, yes you may have already heard of many countries worldwide dropping laws surrounding cannabis, well this coming spring in Ireland 2017 Cannabis is due to be legalized for medicinal use.  For those of you who think this is crazy , it actually is crazy , as this herb should never have been illegal , its been a source of medicine for decades,  medicine bottles containing cannabis have been found dated back thousands of years. Anyhow back to cannabis being legalized in Ireland , hear is the story that has led our government to finally rethink legislation in Ireland after a mother of a girl who has had severe seizures began to walk over 150 miles form her home in Cork to the Dail (government building in Dublin) in order to highlight how her daughter needs the medicine. The minister for health organised to meet this brave woman. hopefully with plans t...