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Medicinal Cannabis to be legalized in Ireland Spring 2017

Hello thanks for visiting , do check out my older posts, im a noob blogger.

The time is near and the choice finally seems clear, yes you may have already heard of many countries worldwide dropping laws surrounding cannabis, well this coming spring in Ireland 2017 Cannabis is due to be legalized for medicinal use.  For those of you who think this is crazy , it actually is crazy , as this herb should never have been illegal , its been a source of medicine for decades,  medicine bottles containing cannabis have been found dated back thousands of years.

Anyhow back to cannabis being legalized in Ireland , hear is the story that has led our government to finally rethink legislation in Ireland after a mother of a girl who has had severe seizures began to walk over 150 miles form her home in Cork to the Dail (government building in Dublin) in order to highlight how her daughter needs the medicine. The minister for health organised to meet this brave woman. hopefully with plans to reschedule cannabis for these poor children and other humans who are relying on a safer medicine. So far the ball is rolling and the Irish government are finally seeing some sense, Cannabis is a medicine and if patients would like to try cannabis they (we) should be giving the right  to this viable herb.

Cannabis for medical purposes is available in a number of countries, such as the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Canada, Australia, Malta, Croatia and certain states in the United States, but is currently strictly controlled in Ireland.

So as the months continue please try and support the legalization of Cannabis worldwide
we humans deserve the choice of using cannabis or not without the need for a criminal conviction.

This is the latest bill put forward tot the Irish government

I only quickly typed this up so , please criticize me it may motivate me to
blogg better ;)

peace & cannabis


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