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If drugs were legal 9/11 would never have happened

Yes there I said it 9/11 and many other so called terrorist attacks would never have occurred, that is if drugs were legal and tolerated to the point where addicts can get help or clean drugs. Cannabis is the worlds number one cash crop. Lets say the Taliban & Isis they seem to have heaps loads of cash right ? Where do they get this cash and were is it that most of our drugs come from ?

In lets say Morocco cannabis will grow all year round no matter what kind of weather sun rail or hail, hash can be made an turned into cash very easily. Where as cotton an corn takes certain weather an tremendous work. So why keep this viable source of income so damn illegal. It really seems to make life's harder for those who sell go to jail those who grow go to jail.
Also the drugs seem to be played around with since we cant actually just be a drug dealer like your local pharmacy spot checks could be done so less harm is done.

Time for a change rethink your views on drugs as a whole, its safer an more viable to the population of Earth, Cannabis does much more than get you high and if legal it opens the doors to doctors an further studies. Other drugs legal will lead to better education and harm reduction.

Stay safe.


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