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The War On Drugs is literally Wasted Resources

The war on drugs was launched in 1970s to reduce drug consumption, Reduce addiction reduce the amount of drugs on the streets, yet here we are 2014 Drugs on every street corner and the laws seem to love it as they are hooked on the money made from humans been convicted.

The war on drugs is basically ruining humans life's & the system is set up to trap youths from a young age. They are not fighting a war on drugs they are fighting lower class humans like you & me.
They don't want the drugs of the streets as they need you to fill there prison systems.

Safety must come first an if drugs were legal well they couldn't get any safer - or could they big  Pharma been killing humans for years nobody says anything. One person overdoses on some dodgy street cocaine everyone goes anti drug insane.

Illegality of anything only increases the price so they win yet again, as you are hooked on there very expensive drugs with serious consequences  if you are caught. Yes here it gets interesting they will set you up to make it look like you are the drug dealer. They need to fill there books an keep the criminals coming in or the business wont succeed. So youth of today beware of the humans who ask you to attain some drugs for them.

Lets think if heroin etc was control crime would be reduced so much as they could regulate an control it while educating the nation & using the profits for the benefit of human. Drugs on the streets are the problem with crime on this planet due to the need for prisoners to fill the crowded prison cells.
If the war on drugs had of worked Drugs would not be on the streets of the globe today as we know it, Tax payers of the world are paying for this ridiculous failed war on drugs system.
A billion Dollar FAILURE - The War On Kids, Lower Class, Working class You & me.

This world could be using the police and other resources to find missing children an stop killing humans rather than hunting drug dealers to convict. they need to wake up its 2014 and this world is messed up , from one nutter to all you blog readers, Try wake up educate yourselfs.

Drugs are not the problem WAR is !! Population control sucks


If Drugs Were Legal

Evidence from Switzerland suggests that prescribing heroin can reduce crime and increase levels of employment among addicts. While still illegal in the UK, cannabis was downgraded to a category C drug in January 2004. Would drug legalisation really reduce crime overall, and would it make drug use any safer?
Based on rigorous research and interviews with experts, the programme hears the arguments for leaving the most dangerous drug of all - crack cocaine - illegal, and examines how a legal and regulated system of drugs would work.
It is 2015. In the film, an ex-drugs policeman investigates two girls' deaths. The government, persuaded by the vast economic cost of prohibition, has decided to legalise drugs. The UK, along with a coalition of progressive countries from Europe, Canada and Australia, has opted out of the UN treaties which control drugs. Much of the trade from possession to use, and production to supply, has been legalised.
The drama opens with the collapse and subsequent deaths of two girls in a club which is licensed to sell drugs. In the scenario, most drugs are readily available, with government health warnings and lists of ingredients, from various outlets. Drugs of addiction, like heroin, are free but only available on prescription from Swiss-styled heroin clinics.
Cocaine is still illegal. The whole trade is regulated by a new agency, called Ofdrug. The film follows the investigation into the two girls' deaths by an Ofdrug agent who works closely with an ex-drugs policeman. Experts such as former chief constable Francis Wilkinson argued the case for pro-legalisation, while David Raynes of the National Drug Prevention Alliance was one of the voices arguing against.


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