Grit weed sprayed Cannabis are both similar both have been contaminated with some kind of substances that can be harmful to human health, And the cannabis is sprayed to make bulk heavier, therefore increasing profits. Drug cartels or who ever should not even have to do this as it should be legal to grow an supply legal adults cannabis, its a harmless plant. If only the system stopped making life so hard for us. Why cant hemp be used after all its a renewable energy sources it mad. Here's a link or 2 with some great information on grit weed/sprayed. If you find anything else feel free to add in the comment section. Thanks, stay safe & life your life as best you can without harming anyone man. Much love peace & fresh cannabis buds. think im gonna stick to hash at least we always knew it was rubbish stay safe ;) Medical Marijuana Contaminants Ensuring Safe Medicine Cannabis Contamination (UK & I...
The drug war shouldn't exist...