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Youths & Drugs New Study

The war on drugs is a fail this article below proves it ....
Between the 3rd and 23rd of June 2014, TNS Political & Social, a consortium created between TNS political &social, TNS UK and TNS opinion, carried out the survey FLASH EUROBAROMETER 401 about “Young people and drugs”The FLASH EUROBAROMETER 401 covers the population of the respective nationalities of the European Union Member States, resident in each of the 28 Member States and aged between 15 and 24 years old. The survey covers the national population of citizens (in these countries) as well as the population of citizens of all the European Union Member States that are residents in these countries and have sufficient command of the national languages to answer the questionnaire. All interviews were carried using theTNS e-Call center (our centralized CATI system). In every country respondents were called both on fixed lines and mobile phones. The basic sample design applied in all states is multi-stage random (probability). In each
household, the respondent was drawn at random following the "last birthday rule".

This approach is consistent across all countries.

Ireland has highest number of young cannabis users, EU study shows


The survey shows that:
  • 72% of young Irish people think it would be very or fairly easy to personally obtain cannabis within 24 hours, well above the EU average of 58%
  • Young Irish people are most likely to have used legal highs, at 22% compared to an EU average of 8%. 
  • Ireland has the third lowest number of young people who think that new substances should be banned under any circumstances, at 29% compared to an EU average of 35%
  • Young Irish people are also less likely to consider regular alcohol use to be high risk, at 42% compared to an EU average of 57%.
The study also identified the three most effective ways for public authorities to reduce drug problems for young Irish people are:
  • Tough measures against drug dealers and traffickers (49%)
  • Offering more sport, entertainment and cultural activities for young people (44%)
It also shows Ireland has Thankfully 78% have never used imitation drugs ( Head Shop Stuff)
& then there's 45% who think Alcohol consumption regularly is just medium risk , then we have Ireland up near top for cocaine use & this survey was taking by 15- 24 years old & was requested by the European commission. Link is above.


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