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Cannabis is Curing

check out some of these links
Its amazing, this world we live in , how can this herb still be illegal
Educate the nation Cannabis is a healing plant and can be used in many different industries

A pleasure shared
THAT cannabis and schizophrenia are linked is widely accepted. Several studies suggest the drug can set off short-term psychotic episodes in those already suffering from the condition. Other research, though, does more than this. It shows that people with schizophrenia are twice as likely as others to use cannabis. This leads some to argue that the drug is actually a cause of schizophrenia rather than just a trigger—a line of evidence sometimes employed by those who wish to keep it illegal.

Cannabis Cures Cancer – And Big-Pharma Owns The Patent

Cannabis Oil Cures Infant’s Inoperable Brain Tumor
Doctor William Courtney of the American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine shows Huff Post LIVE how cannabis oil literally disappeared an inoperable brain tumor in an eight month-old baby.  Dr. Courtney says the baby was completely healed without the longterm side effects of radiation treatment. 
Medical Marijuana used for Cancer Treatment
Source: buydutchseeds
Source: iflscience
Marijuana Cures, Vaccinates Hepatitis C, Research Shows - See more at:
Marijuana Cures Epilepsy… Here’s How!



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