Look its been around longer than you or I , So many consume it yet no one ever really dies. Why all the government cry's banks have no money, humans have no jobs yet here is an amazing plant which can be used raw to create fabrics, medicine , protein and along with all that it can get you high , we gotta understand what we buy. For if Cannabis laws remain as they are maybe children in the future will try when they first try Cannabis, needs for more research and education so badly, look at how much humans know about alcohol , time to free the weed. Its safer than most other substances on Earth
So Does Cannabis Cure? Research Suggests Cannabis Cures here's some links to assist your studies. Cannabis has healing powers The Medical Minute: Neurodegeneration, Focus, and the Snowballing Recognition of Cannabis’ Benefits http://www.leafly.com/(F(CPJmL5dJKHrC2TDn3v2JzOQjUBNHXCpl3Y6LiVnL8vYAaV19aeB7ff-LyYZBkYkBwD43kRpwjQvLpxXmM-SJVFqGvnCrNuIVl5OSk7nQURC6gP7wbaw_UHw2i_Km0YAJFEQzUNKEA64n1CFx0))/news/medical/the-medical-minute-neurodegeneration-focus-and-the-snowballing-re By: Bailey Rahn 5/13/2014 New group will regularly demonstrate for medical marijuana, industrial hemp http://trib.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/new-group-will-regularly-demonstrate-for-medical-marijuana-industrial-hemp/article_ce939e7b-da33-595e-a0fa-433e8a1eb63b.html Reach state reporter Laura Hancock at 307-266-0581 or at laura.hancock@trib.com . Follow her on Twitter: @laurahancock . Amazing Results: The Healing Power of #Cannabis Oil On Lyme Disease and Lyme Co-i...
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