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Showing posts from June, 2014

Sprayed Cannabis & Gritweed

Grit weed sprayed Cannabis are both similar both have been contaminated with some kind of substances that can be harmful to human health, And the cannabis is sprayed to make bulk heavier, therefore increasing profits. Drug cartels or who ever should not even have to do this as it should be legal to grow an supply legal adults cannabis, its a harmless plant. If only the system stopped making life so hard for us. Why cant hemp be used after all its a renewable energy sources it mad. Here's a link or 2 with some great information on grit weed/sprayed. If you find anything else feel free to add in the comment section. Thanks, stay safe & life your life as best you can without harming anyone man. Much love peace  & fresh  cannabis buds. think im gonna stick to hash at least we always knew it was rubbish stay safe ;) Medical Marijuana Contaminants Ensuring Safe Medicine Cannabis Contamination (UK & I...

Youths & Drugs New Study

The war on drugs is a fail this article below proves it .... Between the 3rd and 23rd of June 2014, TNS Political & Social, a consortium created between TNS political &social, TNS UK and TNS opinion, carried out the survey FLASH EUROBAROMETER 401 about “Young people and drugs”The FLASH EUROBAROMETER 401 covers the population of the respective nationalities of the European Union Member States, resident in each of the 28 Member States and aged between 15 and 24 years old. The survey covers the national population of citizens (in these countries) as well as the population of citizens of all the European Union Member States that are residents in these countries and have sufficient command of the national languages to answer the questionnaire. All interviews were carried using theTNS e-Call center (our centralized CATI system). In every country respondents were called both on fixed lines and mobile phones. The basic sample design applied in all states is multi-stage random (probab...

Midnight toke

I got high I tweeted some stuff, life has been rough' I didn't wanna really continue to live here (earth)  lost hope for humanity cannabis healed my sanity, help me of the pills & yea maybe am still tripping but why is weed illegal again, I had some hate but for the humans that pass my gate ive got nothing but love we need to take out the corrupt up above :P Hemp can fuel cars & the human body. we don't have to live in poverty. I worked hard till the system fucked up the world. So lock me up & throw away the key cause I ain't quitting smoking the odd doobie.

Cannabis somehow is very very bad

Well hello to all of you here's some random links - couple of good reads for ya - Thanks for dropping bye stay high or try ;) More herbal cures for cancer validated Source: ngrguardiannews Pain reliever: Support for medicinal marijuana use Source: sunraysiadaily Common genes behind schizophrenia and cannabis use Source: domain-b Americans Aren't Too Concerned By Edible Marijuana Horror Stories Source: huffingtonpost Doctors Urge Government to Allow Cannabis Research in SA Source: belowthelion Pot Scientis...

Cannabis is Curing

check out some of these links Its amazing, this world we live in , how can this herb still be illegal Educate the nation Cannabis is a healing plant and can be used in many different industries A pleasure shared THAT cannabis and schizophrenia are linked is widely accepted. Several studies suggest the drug can set off short-term psychotic episodes in those already suffering from the condition. Other research, though, does more than this. It shows that people with schizophrenia are twice as likely as others to use cannabis. This leads some to argue that the drug is actually a cause of schizophrenia rather than just a trigger—a line of evidence sometimes employed by those who wish to keep it illegal. Source:Economist Cannabis Cures Cancer – And Big-Pharma Owns The Patent

Cannabis is Harmless

Look its been around longer than you or I , So many consume it yet no one ever really dies. Why all the government cry's banks have no money, humans have no jobs yet here is an amazing plant which can be used raw to create fabrics, medicine , protein and along with all that it can get you high , we gotta understand what we buy. For if Cannabis laws remain as they are maybe children in the future will try when they first try Cannabis, needs for more research and education so badly, look at how much humans know about alcohol , time to free the weed. Its safer than most other substances on Earth


Its just a weed man its planted from a seed grows naturally by nature ;) Anyhow I just want to say its like a fine wine, its lovely to have a toke now & then , but with it been illegal nobody has an idea what's going on. Unless we do the safe thing which is booking a flight to the Dam ;) Not glorifying the the plant but it surely is amazing its time to drop the stigma it is not addictive. You can stop easily compared to trying to stop drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco or taking other medication.

Cannabis plants seized by the Police = (wasted resources)

Wasted resources man and I mean come on we have kids on this planet missing yet each and every week I can find at least 20 links worth sharing about Cannabis been seized by police around the world. I understand they want to keep the streets free of drugs haha , but come on man we have crack cocaine ,methamphetamines. Heroin everywhere, not a lot of heroin been seized is there ? Really when some humans think an say hey cannabis should not be legal, are they brain washed or what ? Like in this day and age do you not think it would be SAFER to control a substance, Cannabis is a plant we can grow an if controlled we can understand this wonderful plant a lot better. Earth needs cannabis like humans need Earth. Yet us an our controlled ways everyone gets so damn angry at each other. Stop blaming a plant and do some good in this mad crazy fucked up world. If you add up all the money that could be turned into our struggling economy from cannabis seizures the world would not be i...