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Cannabis plants seized by the Police = (wasted resources)

Wasted resources man and I mean come on we have kids on this planet missing yet each and every week I can find at least 20 links worth sharing about Cannabis been seized by police around the world. I understand they want to keep the streets free of drugs haha , but come on man we have crack cocaine ,methamphetamines.

Heroin everywhere, not a lot of heroin been seized is there ?
Really when some humans think an say hey cannabis should not be legal, are they brain washed or what ? Like in this day and age do you not think it would be SAFER to control a substance, Cannabis is a plant we can grow an if controlled we can understand this wonderful plant a lot better.

Earth needs cannabis like humans need Earth. Yet us an our controlled ways everyone gets so damn angry at each other. Stop blaming a plant and do some good in this mad crazy fucked up world. If you add up all the money that could be turned into our struggling economy from cannabis seizures the world would not be in this place. And really think of the children today for a safer future tomorrow.

Heres few links from Around the net - Lets see how much drugs they found, yet all these police resources could be used to maybe find missing children or protect elderly people. It really does not make sense, they have not got resources for fighting certain crimes, like if your house got broken into police are out cutting down plants rather than dealing with real crime,  yet look what a few days Mon 26th may till June 2nd pulled in

Man held following Mayo cannabis seizure
 Source :IrishExaminer

Three arrests, 25kg of cannabis seized
Source: cyprus-mail

Cannabis, cash seized from Glen Carbon home
Source: thetelegraph

Hundreds of plants seized in series of cannabis raids

Man arrested after cannabis worth €300,000 seized in Leitrim

Gardai seize drugs plants in adjoining houses in Kerry

Gardai arrest man in his 20s in relation to seizure of 30 cannabis plants worth €40k

Thousands of plants seized in raids

Marijuana business auction: 3 stores, 3 grow operations seized from VIP Cannabis for back taxes
Source: thedenverchannel

Three charged after Sydney drug busts(they found a shotgun)wow
Source: skynews

Drugs seized in South Bruce Peninsula
Source: owensoundsuntimes

50 items seized during fraud investigation at Trustees Office
Read more:
Source: canberratimes

$14m cannabis bust
Source: nzherald

Turkey cracks down on drug cartels
Source: al-monitor

So in other news in an around Denver June 2nd - There was a disturbance at an apartment block due to a room mate stealing weed from an another. Also on this day some youths were seen smoking Marijuana in an allay way in Denver. Last but not least Top news of the day in the City where Cannabis is legalized yes top news there was a highly intoxicated man in Gay lord street possibly alcohol over dose. Denver police Fire& EMS seem to have a less busy job these days. No link as this is the page where this news made it. Source :  911Scanner - ;)



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